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Guides Strategy Security Must Be A Core Component Of Digital Transformation

Security Must Be A Core Component Of Digital Transformation

Published on 11/11/2016 | Strategy

157 0

Andre Smith

Accelerating the Adoption of Industrial Internet of Things.



In the midst of this ongoing digital transformation of our world ,there doesn’t seem to be enough of an emphasis placed on security.

In an effort to keep up with the competition, businesses too often leave security behind, and that can present real issues with devastating consequences. Digital transformation is necessary, but so is security—the same type of security we need for our computers and mobile devices. So why aren’t more businesses in tune to the need for IoT security?

Dell says too little, too late

A recent study conducted by Dell indicated that one reason security is not prioritized is that it has been viewed as a barrier to innovation, and consequently, to digital transformation. When Dell conducted its poll, as many as 97% of businesses interviewed said that they had been heavily investing in digital transformations, including:

- Cloud applications

- Mobile technology and devices

- IoT

- Cloud infrastructure

Obviously, businesses have recognized the power of the IoT and other digital transformations. However, only 18% of those surveyed had put any thought or investment in security until those digital transformations had been completed. Dell sees this as a grave mistake because security should be instituted at the beginning of digital transformation. From the moment a device is online, it is vulnerable to malicious attacks. That’s a sad reality and one that too few people realize until it is too late and the damage has been done.

Going forward with digital transformation

If there is no funding for proper security, it may be wiser to wait to institute another layer of digital transformation until security can be established. Once a security risk has been identified, it is too late. The damage has likely been done and the hacker has access to sensitive information. If you think IoT isn’t vulnerable to activity in the Dark Web, you are sadly mistaken, and the cost to your company may be difficult to overcome.

Digital transformation is necessary in today’s high-tech environment, but not at the cost of a security breach. In order to ensure a safe transformation to the digital realm, make sure you incorporate security into your technology plans so that you can be assured you are safe from attack as you plan the next strategic step in digitally transforming your business.

The original article was posted here.

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