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Guides Use Cases Smart Systems and Services Growth Opportunities

Smart Systems and Services Growth Opportunities

Published on 05/28/2017 | Use Cases

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Accelerating the Adoption of Industrial Internet of Things.


The generation of Smart Systems, Services and the Internet of Things (IoT) are upon us. Billions of devices are currently being connected to the internet daily. The information driven from these devices can offer extraordinary business value to companies that are at the forefront of the embedded intelligence era. Only those companies that strive to push the development of a new collaborative business model and embrace new connected product technologies will be successful in the new age of smart products, machines and services.

In this white paper, Harbor Research captures the true value of the evolution of smart, connected systems and services and how the advanced intelligence within the technology also brings the customer through a new innovative business process automation and optimization. Learn how smart, connected systems and services are influencing:

•  Organizations to transform from a traditional business model to a Smart Systems business model

•  The creation of specific frameworks on how to identify Smart Systems opportunities

•  Innovative technology advancements in IoT to require new standards of expert application knowledge and a deeper understanding of how systems work


You can find and download the original report here.

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